Richard Angle, Ph.D.


Anxiety is one of many emotions that people feel quite frequently and feeling scared, worried or stressed now and again is completely normal. If, however, high anxiety becomes a permanent state of mind, you could have an anxiety disorder. Richard Angle, PhD is a clinical psychologist practicing on the Upper West Side of Manhattan who specializes in using psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to help patients recover from anxiety disorders. Call Dr. Angle today if you need help with anxiety or book an appointment online.

Richard Angle, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalyst

located on the Upper West Side

Anxiety Q & A

What is anxiety?

While feeling anxious at times is perfectly normal, if you feel nervous, afraid, and worried all or most of the time, that indicates you have an anxiety disorder.

Having an anxiety disorder means your normal emotions are exaggerated and out of proportion to the situation. Everyday concerns cause the kind of feelings that would be more appropriate if you were in a life-threatening situation. There are several different types of anxiety disorder, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Phobias
  • Substance-induced anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia

Though your fears may be out of proportion, that doesn’t make the experience any less valid. Anxiety can affect your work and relationships and severely impact your ability to enjoy your life.

If this sounds familiar, Dr. Angle can help you manage your anxiety and live the life you deserve.

What are the symptoms of an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorder doesn’t just cause feelings of intense fear and worry – it also causes physical symptoms. These might include:

  • Stomach upsets
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent urination
  • Tense muscles
  • Headaches
  • Problems sleeping
  • Tremors or twitches
  • Sweating
  • Hyperventilating

Anxiety makes you feel irritable as well as scared, and you’re always on edge, jumping or flinching at the slightest thing.

People who have anxiety disorder often experience panic attacks, when these feelings overwhelm you and leave you frozen and terrified. A panic attack can happen anywhere, without warning, for the smallest of reasons.

The symptoms of a panic attack can be so severe that they mimic those of a heart attack, including shortness of breath and chest pain.

How is anxiety treated?

Dr. Angle creates a treatment program for your anxiety that’s designed specifically for you and your situation. At your initial consultation, you have a friendly discussion with Dr. Angle about your symptoms, and he goes through your medical history. Treatment plans for anxiety typically focus on long-term psychotherapy, which may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychoanalysis to get to the root causes of your anxiety. You might also benefit from:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Antidepressants

Lifestyle changes can also help reduce anxiety and improve your overall health. A proper diet, regular exercise, managing stress, and getting good quality sleep are all essential and can make a surprising difference. Dr. Angle can also help you if you need to address problems like substance abuse, including quitting drinking or smoking.

If you feel dread daily or constantly worry about every detail of your life, call Richard Angle, PhD, today or book an appointment online for anxiety treatment.