Richard Angle, Ph.D.


Feeling down or miserable now and again is part of life, but if your low mood persists for weeks and months, you should seek help. Richard Angle, PhD, is a clinical psychologist practicing in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City who specializes in using psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to help patients recover from depression. Without help, the misery of depression can spiral downwards towards utter despair, so call Dr. Angle or book an appointment online today, before your depression gets any worse.

    Richard Angle, Ph.D.

    Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalyst

    located on the Upper West Side.

    Depression Q & A

    What is depression?

    Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a serious mental health condition that causes a state of seemingly inescapable despair and self-loathing. When you have depression, your negative feelings distort reality, making you think and act in ways that you wouldn’t if you were healthy.

    People who haven’t experienced the torment of depression might say that you should snap out of it, or that you’re the cause of the problem. These are myths – depression is an illness that you can no more heal by sheer willpower than you could mend a broken bone.

    There might be a trigger for your depression, such as bereavement, divorce, or excess stress. However, many people develop depression without any apparent trigger. Causes of depression are often more complex and include factors such as brain chemistry and genetic influences.

    Unless you get the right treatment for depression, it can worsen and lead to relationship breakdowns and problems at school or work. People who have major depressive disorder often consider ending their lives, as it can seem like the only solution to the unending pain.

    What’s it like to have depression?

    Everyone’s experience of depression is unique to them, but there’s a range of symptoms that are common in people who have depression. You could have some or all of these symptoms, which include:

    • Personality changes
    • Problems concentrating
    • Fatigue
    • Loss of libido
    • Physical pain
    • Poor memory

    You’re likely to lose interest in the activities that you normally enjoy, and struggle to get through the day doing even the bare minimum. You might take less care of your personal hygiene, and stop caring about your appearance.

    Some people eat more; others eat less when they have depression. Likewise, you might find it difficult to sleep, or have disturbed sleep and nightmares, or sleep for far longer than usual and find it hard to get up.

    It’s common to feel plagued by guilt, shame, low self-esteem, anger, despair, and many other negative feelings. On the other hand, when you become severely depressed and can’t function normally, you might feel empty and drained of emotion.

    If you reach a stage where you’re thinking seriously about self-harm or suicide, you should get emergency medical help.

    How is depression treated?

    Although depression is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition, with the right help, you can recover. Dr. Angle uses talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, which may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychoanalysis, to help your mind to heal. 

    This can be a long-term approach but is likely to bring about a more lasting recovery. Other treatments that can help with depression include antidepressants and mood stabilizer medications.

    Whether you’re just starting to feel the symptoms of depression or you’re beginning to contemplate the idea of self-harm, Dr. Angle can help release you from the agony of depression. Call today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.